
■タイトルの通りです。論文名は"The sleeping subject: Merleau-Ponty on dreaming", by James Morley, in Theory & Psychology, Volume 9, Issue 1,1999.  https://doi.org/10.1177/0959354399091005


" ......Our waking relations with objects and others especially have an oneiric character as a matter of principle: others are present to us in the way that dreams are, the way myths are, and this is enough to question the cleavage between the real and the imaginary" (Merleau-Ponty, 1968/1970, p. 48)*

The oneiric comprehends not only what we think of conventionally as 'imaginary', but also our intersubjective relations. Merleau-Ponty's striking obseravation that 'others are present to us in the way dreams are, the way myths are', asserts that our intersubjective relations have an an oneiric dimention that links them to our experience of dreaming. Our knowledge of other minds, like our dreams, is not objectively (factually or materially) verifiable, but we believe in others as we believe our dreams while we are dreamin them. In this respect, our relations with others have an oneiric character, but such relations are nonetheless very much part of waking perception. If others who are 'real' are nonetheless presento to us in the manner of dreams and myths, this itself is sufficient to undermine any attempt to dichotomize the real and the imagery.(p. 95) 

  *Merleau-Ponty, M. (1970). Themes from the lectures at the College de France: 1952-  1960 (J. O'Neill, Trans. ). Evanson, IL: Northwestern University Press. 8Original work published 1968.)

