研究日誌(2021/9/3)Paul Ricoeur, "Hermeneutics and the human sciences"を再読する

■Paul Ricoeur, "Hermeneutics and the human sciences: Essays on language, action and interpretation". Edited,translated and introduced by J. B. Thompson, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981. 


"1. The task of hermeneutics"(pp. 43-62)より引用しておく。

Another index of the dialectic of participation and distanciation is provided by the concept of the fusion of horizons (Horizontverschmelzung). (p.61)

Whenever there is a situation, there is an horizon which can be contracted or enlarged. We owe to Gadamer this very fruitful idea that communication at a distance between two differently situated consciousness occurs by means of the fusion of their horizon, ...This concept signifies that we live neither within closed horizons, nor withins one unique horizon.(p.62)

